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Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Bambu Pethuk Palsu

Bambu Pethuk Palsu

Berhati-hatilah dengan dengan segala trik penipuan Bambu Pethuk Palsu hasil rekayasa buatan manusia.
Seperti pada Bambu Pethuk Palsu ini, sambungannya begitu rapi, tidak kelihatan bahwa itu lem-leman dengan cara menyambung ruas yang menghadap ke bawah disambung ditempel dengan lem perekat. Tks!

Bamboo 'Pethuk' (see section bamboo)

 Bamboo 'Pethuk' (see section bamboo) - Monday, December 24, 2012 07:13 PM

Bamboo 'Pethuk' (see section bamboo)
Of the many way unique and rare form of bamboo, bamboo pethuk or see this segment most sought and hunted people. Due to that the belief that this type of bamboo is considered auspicious, and has the power of natural energy that is innate alias from nature. Even pethuk bamboo is believed to have many uses and have benefits for the owner.

Believe it or not! That there is a bamboo pethuk offered by the owner with fantastic figures only for seruas bamboo, and he said there are buyers who dare to buy up billions of dollars. He said, are looking for is bamboo pethuk have specifications that segment, twigs eyes met in a position facing each other up and down the steps. Sought were not there.


Gallery III

Gallery III