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Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

Aneka bambu unik "Buluh Perindu" (Various unique bamboo "Buluh Perindu")

Bambu unik "Buluh Perindu"
(Foto & koleksi Arie / KPBUN)

Bambu unik "Buluh Perindu"
(Bamboo unique "Buluh Perindu")

Ada yang meyakini bahwa bambu-bambu unik ini memiliki kegunaan, manfaat atau khasiat tertentu, selain keunikan bentuk wujudnya. Bahkan apa pula yang meyakini bahwa bambu unik dan terbilang langka ini memiliki tuah atau kekuatan energi bawaan alami, sebagaimana pada bambu unik “Buluh Perindu” ini.
Tapi setidaknya di sini kita bisa membaca, mengagumi tanda-tanda kebesaran alam, sekaligus menjadi bukti atas kebesaran Sang Maha Pencipta, kendati lewat sepotong bambu.
Manusia tidak akan mampu menjangkau membuka tabir misteri Dzat Allah, tapi cukup dengan mentafakuri. Lewat tanda-tanda kebesaran alam walau hanya dari sepotong bambu ini akan semakin menebalkan keimanan dan ketakjuban kita akan kebesaran Tuhan Semesta Alam sebagai Sang Maha Pencipta. Tak ada yang tak ada atas kehendak kuasaNya...!!!

Some are convinced that bamboo has a unique uses, benefits or certain properties, in addition to the unique shape of his form. Even what some are convinced that the unique and somewhat rare bamboo has good luck or a natural innate energy forces, as well as the unique bamboo "Buluh Perindu" is.
But at least here we can read, admire the signs of nature, as well as a testament to the greatness of the Creator, despite passing a piece of bamboo.

Humans will not be able to reach out to unveil the mystery of the One God, but simply by mentafakuri. Through the signs of nature though only from a piece of bamboo will further reinforce our faith and awe of the greatness of the Lord of Hosts as the Creator. There was nothing there by the will of His power ... !!!

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