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Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

Bambu Tongkat Komando "Bung Karno" (Bamboo Stick Command "Bung Karno")

Bambu tumpang sari tongkat komando "Bung Karno"
(Foto & koleksi Alex Palit)

Bambu Tongkat Komando Tumpang Sari Cabang Dua (Bamboo stick command intercropping branch two)

Bambu tongkat komando tumpang sari cabang dua
Foto & koleksi Alex Palit

Bambu Tongkat Komando Ruas Lilit Tumpang Sari (Bamboo sticks wrapped around a section command intercropping)

Bambu tongkat komanfo ruas lilit tumpang sari
(Foto & koleksi Alex Palit)

Bambu Unik Dekoratif Artistik Alami (Bamboo Unique Decorative Artistic Natural)

Foto & koleksi Arie / KPBUN
Bambu unik alami,
Selain memiliki keunikan yang spesifikatif, bambu unik ini juga memiliki nilai artistik yang tumbuh dan terbentuk secara alami. Bambu-bambu tersebut memiliki sentuhan artistik untuk pajangan dekoratif... unik, artistik, alami dan tiada duanya.

Unique natural bamboo,
Besides having a uniqueness that spesification, bamboo also has a unique artistic value grew and formed naturally. The bamboo has an artistic touch to display decorative ... unique, artistic, natural and second to none.

Bambu Unik Dekoratif Artistik Alami (Bamboo Unique Decorative Artistic Natural)

Bambu unik alami.
Selain memiliki keunikan yang spesifikatif, bambu unik ini juga memiliki nilai artistik yang tumbuh dan terbentuk secara alami. Bambu-bambu tersebut memiliki sentuhan artistik untuk pajangan dekoratif... unik, artistik, alami dan tiada duanya.

Unique natural bamboo.

Besides having a uniqueness that spesification, bamboo also has a unique artistic value grew and formed naturally. The bamboo has an artistic touch to display decorative ... unique, artistic, natural and second to none.

Foto & koleksi Mahardika PN / KPBUN)

Bambu Unik Dekoratif Artistik Alami (Bamboo Unique Decorative Artistic Natural)

Bambu unik alami,
Selain memiliki keunikan yang spesifikatif, bambu unik ini juga memiliki nilai artistik yang tumbuh dan terbentuk secara alami. Bambu-bambu tersebut memiliki sentuhan artistik untuk pajangan dekoratif... unik, artistik, alami dan tiada duanya.

Unique natural bamboo,
Besides having a uniqueness that specification, bamboo also has a unique artistic value grew and formed naturally. The bamboo has an artistic touch to display decorative ... unique, artistic, natural and second to none.

(Foto & koleksi  Didik Aryasatya S / KPBUN)

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Bambu Unik Dekoratif Artistik (Bamboo Unique Decorative Artistic)

Bambu Unik Dekoratif Artistik
(Foto & koleksi Arie / KPBUN)

Bambu Unik Dekoratif Artistik (Bamboo Unique Decorative Artistic)

Bambu Unik Dekoratif Artistik
(Foto & koleksi Alex Palit / KPBUN)

Bambu unik "Singa Laut" (Bamboo unique "Sea Lion")

Bambu unik "Singa Laut"
(Foto & koleksi Kang Udin / KPBUN)
Bambu unik sebagai karya seni alami
Banyak di antara bambu-bambu unik dan langka ini memiliki nilai artistik sebagai karya seni alami yang tumbuh dan terbentuk secara alami, bukan hasil rekayasa manusia.

( ...Bamboo is unique as a work of art naturally.
Many of the bamboo's unique and rare artistic value as a work of natural art that grew and formed naturally and not the result of human engineering... )

Bambu unik cabang tiga (Three unique bamboo branch)

Bambu unik sebagai karya seni alami
Bamboo is unique as a work of art naturally.
Bambu unik cabang tiga
(Foto & koleksi Ade Iwan L /KPBUN)

Banyak di antara bambu-bambu unik dan langka ini memiliki nilai artistik sebagai karya seni alami yang tumbuh dan terbentuk secara alami, bukan hasil rekayasa manusia.

Many of the bamboo's unique and rare artistic value as a work of natural art that grew and formed naturally and not the result of human engineering.

Si Cantik Bolankers

Si Cantik Bolankers (Foto & koleksi Buchori / KPBUN)

Bambu Dampit

Bambu Dampit
(Foto & koleksi Buchori / KPBUN)

Bercocok tanan bonsai bambu unik (Unique bamboo cultivation)

Bercocok tanam bambu unik
(Foto & koleksi Bernard K / KPBUN)

Koleksi "Bambu Unik"

Koleksi "Bambu Unik" / KPBUN

Bambu Petuk Ranting Itu Ada Khodamnya

Bambu ini ada khodamnya, katanya beberapa saat kemudian, begitu melihat dan memegang bambu yang saya menyodorkan. “Ini bambu pethuk. Simpan saja, bawaan bambu istimewa ini energinya positif” lanjutnya sambil menyerahkan kembali kepada saya setelah secara seksama memperhatikan bambu tersebut.
Lalu, saya pun mengantongi bambu sepanjang 9 cm tersebut.

Bamboo and Life

Unique bamboo "Horse"
(Photo & collection Alex Palit)
Bamboo and Life
Many mentioned that bamboo trees are so many benefits and uses alias versatile for the needs of human life. Even in modern times and sophisticated this, bamboo is still widely used for various purposes from the simplest to be designed in a variety of artistic modifications. From as small as a toothpick up big as houses, including decorative elements made of bamboo. Here shows us that so many uses of bamboo for us and human life.


Gallery III

Gallery III