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Minggu, 17 Juli 2016
Heri Mustopo, Master GGE KPBUN
Heri Mustopo / KPBUN |
Sebuah catatan dari Heri Mustopo, master GGE KPBUN;
Saya pribadi juga mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada
teman teman KPBUN yang telah memposting bambu-bambu uniknya sehingga memudahkan
saya untuk cek up GGE via gambar (photo). Hal ini sangat membantu saya dalam
melakukan penelitian berkelanjutan mengenai GGE sebuah benda alam semesta.
Tuhan yang maha kuasa telah mencurahkan rahmatnya untuk makhluknya dengan
tujuan agar manusia mau berfikir. Jika manusia berfikir lalu menemukan
keagungan tuhannya,
Sepasang bambu unik ruas tumpang sari "Sabdo Palon - Noyo Genggong"
Sabdo Palon + Noyo Genggong,,,, Sahabat sejati... Kembar siam... Serupa tapi tak sama Foto & koleksi Umi B / KPBUN |
Bambu unik sebagai
karya seni alami
Banyak di antara
bambu-bambu unik dan langka seperti pada bambu unik ruas lilit tumpang sari "Sabdo Palon - Noyo Genggong" ini memiliki nilai artistik sebagai karya seni
alami yang tumbuh dan terbentuk secara alami, bukan hasil rekayasa manusia.
Bahkan di kalangan
masyarakat tertentu, nilai artistik keunikan bambu ini disimbolisasikan dengan
Tapi setidaknya di
sini kita diajak membaca untuk mengagumi tanda-tanda kebesaran alam, sekaligus
menjadi bukti atas kebesaran Sang Maha Pencipta, kendati lewat
sepotong bambu.
Manusia tidak akan
mampu menjangkau membuka tabir misteri Dzat Allah, tapi cukup dengan
mentafakuri. Lewat tanda-tanda kebesaran alam walau hanya dari sepotong bambu
ini akan semakin menebalkan keimanan dan ketakjuban kita akan kebesaran Tuhan Semesta
Alam sebagai Sanghyang Khaliq. Tak ada yang tak ada atas kehendak
Jumat, 15 Juli 2016
Unique natural original bamboo
Photo & collection Jaka W / KPBUN |
is said to be unique because of the natural process of growth is not normal
like in general, whether caused by internal and external factors which then
makes physical growth is not normal. Because the form is not normal and some
even seem to look unique.
forms of bamboo that is not normal is then called unique bamboo. In fact, not
uncommon among the bamboo has a unique artistic value that occurs naturally.
many of this unique bamboo also has formed naturally artistic value which has
its own beauty as decorative ornaments, unique and natural. It then makes
bamboo unique as a work of natural art.
Unique natural original bamboo
Photo & collection Bejho Jhare / KPBUN |
is said to be unique because of the natural process of growth is not normal
like in general, whether caused by internal and external factors which then
makes physical growth is not normal. Because the form is not normal and some
even seem to look unique.
forms of bamboo that is not normal is then called unique bamboo. In fact, not
uncommon among the bamboo has a unique artistic value that occurs naturally.
many of this unique bamboo also has formed naturally artistic value which has
its own beauty as decorative ornaments, unique and natural. It then makes
bamboo unique as a work of natural art.
Unique natural original bamboo
Photo & Collection Kang Mase (KPBUN) |
is said to be unique because of the natural process of growth is not normal
like in general, whether caused by internal and external factors which then
makes physical growth is not normal. Because the form is not normal and some
even seem to look unique.
Uniqueness forms of bamboo that is not normal is then
called unique bamboo. In fact, not uncommon among the bamboo has a unique
artistic value that occurs naturally.
many of this unique bamboo also has formed naturally artistic value which has
its own beauty as decorative ornaments, unique and natural. It then makes
bamboo unique as a work of natural art.
Kamis, 14 Juli 2016
Rabu, 13 Juli 2016
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